Monday, October 8, 2007


I had a great weekend, heading home to Philadelphia for a couple of days with a long day trip to New York to visit Amy tucked in between (I'm still dreaming happy dreams about the pumpkin dumplings). But here's the best part: when I arrived on Saturday, not only did my sister's two dogs, Oscar and Lily, recognize my car when I pulled up to the house (I never thought they were that clever, but there you go), but Lily got herself in such an excited tailspin over Aunt PSK's arrival that she actually projectile vomited across the living room.

The thing is, Lily's reaction was rather charming and sweet--mostly because I didn't have to clean up the end result. Don't get me wrong: Oscar and Lily are a collective 150 lb pain in my ass, but I'm just saying that everyone deserves that kind of heartfelt welcome every once in a while.

Aren't they darling? Lily's the one on the left. Oscar, on the right, usually has his lip stuck on his tooth, so the fact that he looks semi-normal is something of a bonus.

Monday, October 1, 2007


A big ol' shout-out to Addled Writer and the new Mr. Addled Writer--I was thrilled (and honored) to see you two get married, and I had a wonderful time at the wedding and reception! Kick-ass job with the music, btw--"Bust a Move" was inspired.

Big kisses from DC!