Sunday, October 12, 2008

Photo Fun

Hi, everyone! (Or, rather, hi, Addled Writer!) I have access to my sister's internet this weekend, so I'll probably post more later on tonight. I know you're just twitchy with anticipation. Until then, though, enjoy the following photo I downloaded the other day from my camera:

This is the result of an ill-fated Labor Day weekend spent walking hundreds of blocks in heels and flip flops. ("Ill-fated" only partly because of the damage done to my feet and mostly because of the damage done to my ego and self-esteem. But that's another story for another day.) It was horrible, I tell you! But bless the genius behind the the Starbucks-esque hypersaturation of Duane Reade in the Manhattan market. All I had to do was walk a block in any direction, and a plethora of first aid supplies awaited me.

So there you go. And off I go to a baby shower. Nothing I love more on a gorgeous autumn day than to spend it inside, sitting in an awkward circle in someone's living room, oohing and aahing over baby gifts.