Monday, July 23, 2007

What is it with birds in the UK?

First there was that poor sad little bird in Warwickshire that thought that Cadbury eggs were her brood (and protected them accordingly--see blog entry somewhere below), and now this story of the badass seagull that steals Doritos out of a Scottish convenience store:

I love seagulls. I think I'm the only person on the planet who does, but I just think they rock the house. Not only does their call remind me of the beach, which is a wonderful thing, but I also really admire their chutzpah, as evidenced in the link above. Back when we were really young, my sister and I once sprinkled our aunt's back with french fries as she slept soundly on her beach towel (this was at the Jersey Shore). Within seconds, that segment of the beach was like a scene out of a Hitchcock movie. Gulls were everywhere; the air was thick with them. She was screaming and flailing her arms while my sister and I giggled like little idiots, which we were. It's a miracle she still talks to us.

You know, I might have to try that stunt on my sister the next time we go down the shore together. I'm thinking my aunt will be the first to volunteer to help.


britt c knutson said...

That story just doesn't surprise me. Hey, I'd sit back and watch it, too!

Those scarily intelligent little buggers are everywhere in MN (land of 10,000 lakes and that bloody Mississippi). They are, definitely, more of a problem than pigeons. Frigging pigeons. Anyhoo...I used to live in Duluth, which is on "Lake" Superior. Gulls everywhere. So much worse than Puget Sound. The waterfront was bad, but, I swear, the worst place was a local McDonald's parking lot. I'm not sure anyone ever opted for take-out. You just didn't have a chance. And it wasn't even on the water! Apparently, they just really love ultra-processed potato products!

Hmmm...maybe my specific 'Hitchcock Blonde' is Tippi Hedren ;-P

britt c knutson said...

OMG! Yesterday, when I was leaving work, I had a Hitchcock moment in the parking lot. Seagulls! Going insane! They frequent the place, but the timing of this was too good! LOL-my initial reaction was to text you, but, well, we've all seen 'The Birds' ;-D

AddledWriter said...

There is a squirrel in Central Park that sneaks across the sidewalk and takes peanuts out of a bag at a sidewalk vending truck all the time. They let him do it cuz it's funny.