Wednesday, February 27, 2008


For the grand total of zero people who still read this, I'm sorry. Seriously, if anyone is still actually checking this, I owe several of you emails (including a pathetically belated birthday wish to AddledWriter), and I'm really sorry for being such a slug. I've hit a bit of a rough patch in recent months that put me in a bit of a funk, and I'm still working to get a grip. Boo hoo hoo. I'll be fine, and it's no big deal in the grand scheme of things. It's also a drag that I no longer have the internet at home, so the only reason I'm able to log on now is because I'm hanging out late at work before my yoga class. (More on that later, maybe.)

Anyway, to lighten the mood, I encourage you to go check out cute bunnies. Whee!


AddledWriter said...

Awww...see...the b-day wish wasn't all that belated! I was just belated in reading the blog...well, you are a fighter, and I know you will fight through all those things you are dealing with. But that doesn't make it any easier.

However, cute bunnies DO help!!

Anonymous said...

Woe to you, my Angst-Ridden friend. Drafting morbose blog-prose! Ack, existence is pointless! [SPIT]

I shall wear some gothic style clothing and listen to an Evanescence song to lament your First Quarter 2008 Funk and the loss of your home internet connection. I do hope you are back to your sunny self as of now.

I hear Yoga makes ladies very flexible. Any truth in that? Fluffy said she is thinking of taking a class. Naturally as this will contribute to her already high level of hotness, I am in favor of it.