Monday, April 23, 2007

It's survey time!

I don't always love my job. Hell, I don't always even like my job, but sometimes the things I see in the office really do genuinely delight me--stuff like free catered eats left in the kitchen or Jesse Ventura walking past my door with a legion of minions. Anyway, someone in the office latched onto the importance of keeping the staff entertained to improve morale, so every few weeks there appears a new survey on the copy room's white board to help us bide our time while we're busy jamming the copier with the latest missives from our respective offices. One survey, for example, was a pro- v. anti-snow query, another was dogs v. cats... that sort of crap. And then I happened into the copy room last Friday, where a new survey awaited me.

There's something to be said for sharing office space with the person who created this:

In a day that was otherwise hectic, crappy, and devoid of leftovers, this survey was the one shining beacon of joy and hope.

For the record, I voted for "foot." You?


Anonymous said...

I'd pick "foot" as well.

You got to meet Jesse Ventura? You lucky ducky.

PSK said...

Alas, I didn't even have the pleasure to meet him. His loss, I say! He just walked past my office at a good clip, sans feather boa.

T.A.B. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

He's just not the same without his feather boa.

Anonymous said...

i love it!!! hmmm...probably foot.
btw, jesse ventura was a football coach at my high school (champlin park'lovely' brooklyn park, mn; i knew his son, graduated w/him, etc)-minions, indeed *rolls eyes*

Amy said...

omg - we have to start doing this at sva...

AddledWriter said...

mmm, foot.

Anonymous said...

Good words.