Sunday, September 2, 2007

I really should just stick to the gym

I did it again. I went biking this morning and wiped out in Rock Creek Park when my front wheel caught the edge of the trail where the pavement meets the dirt. The scar on my knee from my skating drama hasn't even healed, and now I have road rash on my left shin and a weird series of scratches on my right calf. Looky here:

The first image is obviously of my left shin (taken with my camera phone about an hour after the accident--I made a point of cropping out of the photo the IR theory book on my lap); the second is my right calf. It's nothing serious, clearly, except that I look super pale--which, okay, I am--and like a rabid ferret attacked my right leg. This is getting ridiculous. I'm really not that clumsy, but you'd never guess it.

AddledWriter, I shall do my best to avoid all outdoor activities between now and the end of September, lest I show up at your wedding in a full body cast.


britt c knutson said...

I would look into bubble life for a tad. More Gyllenhaal than Travolta, of course. Because you need the hamster ball-like vehicle ;-D

(Damnit-I forgot to switch back to 'HB'. Ah, well, like my name is a big secret.)

AddledWriter said...

Sounds like a plan! That's why I stick to the treadmill. Feel better, PSK! Anyway, at least your outdoor exercise didn't end like Chandra Levy's.

Brad, due to her suffering, I think you should buy PSK a drink at my wedding - since it's 5-hour open bar, it won't cost you. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hopefully you won't be wiping out and causing yourself further injury when you dance at the AddledWriter's wedding.